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It Is Insane to Trust Tehran

Joe Biden is on the brink of removing the world’s largest terror organization from the official terror list. But there’s good news coming out of the U.S. Senate. Read on. —Mat

KEEP the IRGC on the Terror List! Fax Congress NOW and sign our petition!

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), as Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has said, is the “largest and most murderous terrorist organization in the world.”

P.M. Bennett calls taking the IRGC off the terror blacklist “too high a price” to salvage the nuclear pact. “Unfortunately,” he adds:

... there is still determination to sign the nuclear deal with Iran at almost any cost — including saying that the world’s largest terrorist organization is not a terrorist organization.

Jerusalem is telling Washington not to do this deal. But Biden is not listening. He is hell bent on reaching an agreement ... and could very well accept this last, outrageous Iranian demand.

That is why I am asking for you to take a moment to add YOUR name to the thousands of Americans demanding Congress block any attempt to remove the IRGC from the terror list.

Your voice, combined with other pro-Israel Americans, needs to be heard in our nation’s capital ... and will make a difference.

Fax Congress NOW and sign our petition to keep the IRGC on the Terror List!

And here is some recently released good news: Even some Democrats in the Senate are now skeptical about the deal. Bob Menendez, the Democrat chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, recently said a renewed deal “will do nothing about the destabilization of the region.”

“No deal is better than a bad deal,” Menendez declared.

It appears that Congress’s spine is stiffening. You and I have a fighting chance of defeating Biden’s reckless drive to reach a deal with a malign terror state—one that declares “Death to Israel.”

We cannot stop applying the pressure now! A bad deal—one that betrays Israel—is in the works, which is why you and I must speak out now. Join me in demanding the Senate act forcefully to STOP THE IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL MADNESS!

You and I are witnessing the theatre of the absurd in Washington, D.C. At the very moment Iran is threatening to assassinate President Donald Trump and other American leaders, Biden is begging Iran for a deal.

That is why I am asking you today to join our demand letter to Congress. Join me in telling our elected U.S. senators and representatives to forcefully DEMAND the Biden team put an end to all nuclear deal talks with Iran.

And as you do, I ask for your generous support to bless and defend Israel through the work of CIDI in Washington and across our nation.

Please consider making a recurring monthly gift to support our ministry. When you give, you help us recruit and mobilize more pro-Israel Americans, you help us make the compelling case for Israel in Washington, D.C. and you raise up new ambassadors for Israel through Covenant Journey, which takes promising young Christian leaders to Israel for transformational 10-day visits.

But we cannot do any of this without good friends like you. Please make your gift today.

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel


Shapero, Julia. “Menendez Warns Biden on Iran: ‘No Deal Is Better than a Bad Deal.’” Axios, May 1, 2022.

Spencer, Robert. “Israel’s Bennett Hits Biden’s Handlers’ ‘Determination to Sign the Nuclear Deal with Iran at Almost Any Cost.’” Jihad Watch, March 23, 2022.