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Hate Crime Charges for Building Homes?

Is it a “hate crime” to build a house within your country’s borders? When it comes to Israel, the United Nations seems to think so. Read on to learn the latest ways the international body is attacking Israel … and what we can do to stop it. — Mat

Tell Congress: STOP using my money to fund the U.N.’s anti-Israel hate campaign! Please take a moment to fax Congress our urgent demand letter and sign our petition demanding action.

Four decades ago, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Jeane Kirkpatrick, charged the U.N. was “pathologically obsessed” with Israel. She called it “the principal forum of a concerted worldwide campaign” against the Jewish state.

That was 1981. It is still true today. And it just got worse ... a lot worse.

The U.N. recently launched an open-ended and unending inquisition to defame, blackball and boycott Israel.

Called a “Commission of Inquiry,” the U.N. group is a PERMANENT and very well-funded agency, fully staffed and designed for just one purpose—to persecute Israel as long as the United Nations exists.

The commission seeks to investigate and prosecute Israel for supposed “war crimes.” According to the U.N., those “war crimes” include allowing Israeli citizens to build homes on Israeli land, as well as defending citizens and territory from jihadi attacks.

Israel now faces severe danger through this new U.N. commission and Christians must stand with God’s chosen people. Together, we must call on Congress to immediately condemn the U.N. for essentially declaring war on Israel with this heavily staffed, multimillion-dollar anti-Israel attack machine.

That is why I am asking you to fax Congress our urgent demand letter and sign our petition calling for action. Tell Congress to STOP using our money to fund antisemitic, anti-Israel hate campaigns!

It is crucial that we raise the funds needed this month to continue everything we are doing to defend and bless Israel. The Jewish state’s enemies are legion. Its friends are few. That is why your signature on this urgent petition and your financial support are so needed.

Please, prayerfully consider supporting our mission. Your generosity enables Christians in Defense of Israel to make a pro-Israel difference in the halls of power in Washington, D.C., the Middle East and throughout the world. Please stand with us to bless Israel by giving generously.

Thank you for your partnership—and for standing with Israel at this urgent hour.

“O God, do not keep silence; do not hold your peace or be still, O God! For behold, your enemies make an uproar; those who hate you have raised their heads. They lay crafty plans against your people; they consult together against your treasured ones” (Psalm 83:1-3).

Together for Israel,

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. Israel is under assault by antisemites at the United Nations. Help us STOP THE ATTACKS ON ISRAEL! Send your fax now!

Prefer a petition over a fax? Select here.


“UN Creates Unprecedented, Open-Ended Probe against Israel: ‘This Is Something to Empower Hamas.’” 2022. CBN News. January 14, 2022.