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Omar Plots to Censor Critics of Islam

One of America’s most poisonous antisemites is trying to shame and gag honest critics of Islam. Don’t let Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) implement her proposed “special envoy to fight Islamophobia.” It’s her latest ploy to attack Israel and weaken America’s support of our greatest ally in the Middle East. Read on for the alarming details. — Mat

Don’t let Ilhan Omar silence the TRUTH about Islam! Fax Congress now and sign our petition TODAY!

One of the most outspoken bigots against Israel, Rep. Ilhan Omar, wants to pass a bill to rid the world of “Islamophobia.”

Omar—whose track record of vicious antisemitic smears includes the outrageous allegation that Jewish Americans "push for allegiance to a foreign country"—has introduced legislation to create a special U.S. envoy to monitor “Islamophobia around the world.”

This, at a time when antisemitism is soaring in America. A just-published survey from the American Jewish Committee found that 25% of Jewish Americans have been targets of antisemitism and that 40% of U.S. Jews have sought to protect themselves by hiding their Jewish identity or limiting their activities.

But now Omar, whose moral capital in the fight against bigotry is below zero, has come out swinging against “Islamophobia,” a buzzword hatched by a Muslim Brotherhood-linked group to “beat up” the critics of Islam.

It’s an all-purpose weapon to shut down any criticism of Islam—a religious-political ideology that hates Jews, persecutes Christians, abuses women, brutally suppresses dissent within territory it controls and seeks world domination.

Which is why Omar’s bill is such a dangerous idea ... and why friends of the Jewish people and Israel must vigorously oppose it. Please sign the enclosed open letter to House leaders calling on them to “Defend Free Speech—Reject Ilhan Omar’s Bill to Silence Islam’s Critics.”

CIDI is aggressively working to STOP the establishment of a special U.S. envoy to document “Islamophobia around the world” because it is an obvious ploy to support antisemitism using government resources! It’s just one more example of radical Islamists trying to turn America’s love of freedom against itself.

You and I, as friends of freedom and the Jewish people, must speak out NOW. That’s why I am asking you to act immediately by signing the petition and sending a fax urging House and Senate leaders to “Defend Free Speech—Reject Ilhan Omar’s Bill to Silence Islam’s Critics!”

Thank you for standing with God’s chosen people at this urgent hour! ONLY YOUR SUPPORT allows us to continue to fight for Israel in Washington, D.C.’s halls of power and around the world. Please, consider giving generously to support our God-given cause today.

Finally, please continue praying for Israel and its people, as well as for America’s leaders.

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. CIDI's vital work defending the Holy Land is harder than ever before. That's why I'm asking you to support our mission defending Israel with a special gift today. Increasing antisemitism is manifesting in Washington, D.C., and around the world at an alarming rate. YOUR support enables us to keep fighting for Israel!

P.P.S. Don't let Ilhan Omar silence the truth about Islam. Please send your faxes TODAY! Prefer a petition over a fax? Select here.


Combating International Islamophobia Act. Resolution (2021).

Holt, Faygie Levy. 2021. “Survey: 4 in 10 US Jews Conceal Identity, See Far-Left as Serious Threat.” Accessed November 4, 2021.

“Moderate Muslims Speak out on Capitol Hill.” 2021. The Investigative Project on Terrorism. Accessed November 4, 2021.