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I Have Been Running to Bomb Shelters...

We’ve received more communiqués from our friends in Israel. For many in the Holy Land, the last two weeks have been spent inside bomb shelters. But while Iran continues its deadly assault on Israel and game of chicken with the Biden administration, Israel has its own plans. Read on, but first take a moment to sign our urgent petition! — Mat


"In the past few days, I have been running to bomb shelters together with millions of Israeli families—as Hamas was firing rockets into Israel,” Hananya wrote last night from a secure location in Sderot, a small city in Israel’s historic Negev region within view of Gaza.

“Imagine all the children that are traumatized from the rocket sirens and the bombings” that have occurred in the past two weeks, Hananya continued. Hamas has unleashed over 3,400 rockets on innocent civilians, some of whom have been killed. Hananya’s last line says it all: “This is insane.”

A recent article blames Joe Biden for emboldening Iran with his discussion of a new Iran deal. This is insane. We must say NO NEW IRAN DEAL. Tell the senators to stand up for America and Israel.

HANDS OFF ISRAEL! Sign the petition today!

In Gaza, Iran-funded Hamas operatives and Palestinians took to the streets to burn tires and hurl rocks at Israeli police.

Iran’s proxies in Syria, Lebanon and Gaza have increased attacks on Israelis in an apparent effort to bully Biden into submission on another favorable (for Iran) nuclear deal.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls such a deal “worth less than nothing" and warns that a renewed agreement with Iran will “threaten us with annihilation.”

In public comments last month, Netanyahu spoke with remarkable candor to his guest in Jerusalem, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin:

“Iran has never given up its quest for nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them. I will never allow Iran to obtain the nuclear capability to carry out its genocidal goal of eliminating Israel.

Translated, if Biden reenters the Iran deal, Israel will have no choice but to take out the radical Islamic regime’s nuclear installations buried deep underground—action that could turn the Middle East into an inferno.

Biden cannot enter a new Iran deal. We must not let him. The Senate needs to stand up and say NO!

Take a moment right now to sign our URGENT PETITION demanding HANDS OFF ISRAEL! With enough pressure, I believe the U.S. Senate can be compelled to STOP Biden’s Iran plans. But we will have to push hard! PLEASE SIGN TODAY!

HANDS OFF ISRAEL! Sign the petition today!

One of the best ways we can protect Israel is by educating people about Israel.

That is why I have asked our staff to make our best Israel education resources available to you. Our 13-part original TV series, filmed on site, Why Israel Matters, and our beautiful full-color book by the same name are invaluable materials, so please, do not wait. Select here or the button below to receive the Israel Education Package!

Finally, please keep praying for Israel and all her people. Those prayers and support are so critically important during times like these. I want to leave you with some final words from Hananya:

“I just want to thank you. Thank you guys for supporting me during this difficult time—and for supporting Israel. It means the world to us Israelis.”

Mat Staver, Chairman
Christians in Defense of Israel

Your generosity enables Christians in Defense of Israel to make a pro-Israel difference in the halls of power in Washington, D.C., the Middle East and throughout the world. Please stand with us to bless Israel by giving generously.

P.P.S. Do not forget to sign the petition! Please select here to sign TODAY!