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Banning the Unvaccinated From Public Places

A new plan is being pushed that will BAN PEOPLE IN ISRAEL FROM GOING ANYWHERE IN PUBLIC if they refuse the vaccine. Already, other countries are beginning to adopt Israel’s extreme COVID bans. And what Israel does today, the world, including the U.S., may follow—unless we speak up. Read on. -Mat

Sign the petition asking Prime Minister Netanyahu to STOP mandatory vaccinations. Select here or the button below.

Israel appears to be abandoning its “encourage and recommend” policy on COVID vaccinations. In a report made public just days ago, the Israeli health minister is promoting measures that will prevent any unvaccinated person from even going to work!

Initially intended for only medical workers, teachers and first responders, the newly proposed measures will apply to everyone in Israel—citizen, resident, visitor or tourist.

A parallel measure proposes that the Israeli government deliver the names and identifying characteristics of the “unvaccinated” to local authorities for tracking and monitoring.

Only one group is being singled out for “special treatment”—the unvaccinated.

Sign the petition asking Prime Minister Netanyahu to STOP mandatory vaccinations.

Yesterday morning, I spoke with my Israeli friend Yuval. He was distraught—along with many Israelis—at what is happening in Israel. Yuval and others are concerned about the Pfizer/BioNTech injection—and are now even more concerned that they are being forced to take the injection or not be able to function in the land they love.

Without the shot, Israelis fear they will not be able to work, shop or worship. Since Israel is exerting compulsion on its citizens, the same will likely apply to visitors. For this reason, we have, sadly, canceled all tours to Israel for the second year in a row.

My Jewish friend said Israel hasn’t learned from what happened to the Jews in Germany when they were singled out and banned from work, school and worship. Many of my Israeli Jewish friends are very concerned.

Israel’s so-called “Green Passport” will force my friends to act against their will by injecting an experimental mRNA drug into their bodies.

Israel’s proposed “Green Passport” is nearly identical to the control measures Communist China has already instituted against their citizens. A mandatory app is placed on all cell phones. That app includes all the individual’s identifying information, including their vaccination status.

If the individual in China is NOT vaccinated, that app shows a glowing red screen. The “red screened” individual is banned from grocery stores, public gathering spaces and cultural centers.

If these shocking measures are implemented in Israel, those who refuse to take an experimental mRNA drug will be relegated to the bottom rungs of society and given an electronic badge or card so the public can easily identify and exclude them.

Sign the petition asking Prime Minister Netanyahu to STOP mandatory vaccinations. Select here or the button below.

The World Health Organization, which Joe Biden just rejoined, is trying to compel the rest of the world to adopt Israel’s measures.

Unless we stand with our Jewish friends who are very concerned, we can expect to see these very same measures implemented here. And, if imposed on visitors to Israel, tens of millions will never see the Holy Land.

The fact is, the mRNA injections were developed and brought to market in under one year. Normally, vaccines take 7-10 years to be thoroughly tested. And even then, 93-plus percent of vaccines FAIL safety testing by the late stages of clinical trials—late stages of trials that the COVID injections have not had.

Further, there are now scores of studies showing the efficacy of other thoroughly tested drugs to effectively treat COVID.

If Israel continues to insist that all citizens and travelers be vaccinated, the Holy Land will be off limits for many Christians and Jews—even the ones who live in Israel!

Please, take a moment RIGHT NOW to sign our urgent petition to Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu imploring him to reconsider Israel’s vaccination push. Christians in Defense of Israel has an excellent relationship with the prime minister. Mr. Netanyahu knows the work we have done to defend Israel, and he knows you, our faithful supporters, are what fuels our work.

Please, sign the petition NOW. We simply cannot allow the “world example” on COVID to be one of tyranny and a denial of religious freedom. Sign the petition today. Select here or the button below.

We have many battles before us, including fighting a new Iran Deal, resisting a Palestinian state, working to end terror and further promoting peace in the Middle East.

Biden's new administration is making our work defending Israel tougher than ever. That's why I am so thankful for steadfast supporters like you! We cannot do this crucial work without YOU, and the Holy Land needs our support like never before. Please, make your best possible donation today.

Make a donation to support the work of Christians in Defense of Israel.  Select here or the button below.

Please, pray for Israel and America, that sanity, safety and most especially FREEDOM, return to both our lands.

Mat Staver
Christian in Defense of Israel

P.S. Your generosity enables Christians in Defense of Israel to make a pro-Israel difference in the halls of power in Washington, D.C., the Middle East and throughout the world. Please stand with us to bless Israel by giving generously.

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