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NYC Mayor "Will Not Tolerate" Jewish Funerals

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio personally invaded a private Jewish funeral for the express purpose of threatening the Rabbis in attendance.  Anti-Semitism and anti-Christian activity are on the rise in America, but the mainstream media is trying to hide it.

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If you study history, you will see many repetitive patterns. Throughout the ages and in nearly every "crisis" – whether born of plagues or economic calamities -- Jews often become the target of pent-up aggression. 

We see this trend over and over from the medieval plagues, to the economic struggles of Tsarist Russia, to the rise of NAZI Germany from the ashes of the broken Weimar Republic; Jews have almost always been made a scapegoat...and it’s happening once again, right here in America.

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It would be easy to convince oneself that such things no longer happen in our modern world. But sadly, even here in America, the anti-Semitism that has been showing its face among congressional Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, is further expressing itself through government administrators during the COVID-19 panic.

The most recent and stunning example is from New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who has repeatedly targeted Jewish Synagogues during his term of office. But this past weekend, DeBlasio’s actions were over the top.

Mayor De Blasio got word of an Orthodox Jewish funeral being held for a well-respected local Rabbi. De Blasio was so incensed that his command to "shut down" religious services was ignored by the devout Rabbis, that he personally rushed to the ceremony in order to "ensure the crowd was dispersed."

In a tweet posted after the incident, De Blasio referred to the funeral as "unacceptable" and issued a strong threat to other Rabbis, stating religious gatherings "WILL NOT be tolerated." This is a direct quote!

Let's be clear about a few things. First, the funeral that De Blasio broke into uninvited was not a massive gathering, as his tweet made it seem. But secondly, and more importantly, the United States Constitution forbids politicians from dictating anything to religious institutions, because such a dictate is an attempt by government to "establish" the method and form of worship. And that is not only morally wrong, it is also unconstitutional.

Further, the U.S. Department of Justice, along with specific directives from the Attorney General, warned ALL politicians, even governors and tyrannical mayors like De Blasio, to LEAVE HOUSES OF WORSHIP ALONE.

The directives go on to make clear that no synagogue, church or religious gathering shall be put under more stringent safety measures than commercial businesses that have been allowed to remain open.

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But De Blasio doesn't care what the Constitution says or what the U.S. Department of Justice has ordered. De Blasio and others have chosen to use this crisis to demean and frighten a favorite target – Jewish believers.

Sadly, this is even happening in Israel, where anti-Semitic, Palestinian-driven international "news" organizations are maligning observant Jews.

Jews, because of their adherence to God's ancient and still very much relevant health practices, have a millennia-long record of surviving plagues and times of crisis, simply because they follow God's Word above all things, even government edicts.

From rigorous cleanliness guidelines for the body and the house, to food safety and healthy eating, and even to the covering of women's' hair in public (which keeps viruses from attaching to the hair and making their way to the face and into the body), God already provided stringent health practices that science confirms to be effective – even against highly contagious diseases like COVID-19.

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Perhaps, instead of blaming Jews for surviving and thriving, Mayor De Blasio and others should be identifying just what it is that is keeping New York Jews healthy – God's Word!

Thank you for being a part of Christians in Defense of Israel. We tell the pro-Israel truths that the anti-Semitic American and International news media try to hide from the public.

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In Christ,

Mat Staver

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