Nancy Pelosi Moves to Enable Palestinian Terror Campaign
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats are laying the groundwork for yet another bloody Palestinian terror campaign. They are about to vote on a dangerous Resolution endorsing a 'two state solution' to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. Time is short. We must act now!
Time is short to act because Speaker Pelosi intends to bring this latest jihad enabling bill — H. Res. 326 — to a vote on the House floor this Friday. The Democrats hope that pro-peace Americans like yourself will be too distracted by the impeachment hearings to notice, or fight, this deeply anti-Israel 'Two State Resolution'.
The problem with a 'two-state resolution' is that it resolves nothing because it focuses on land instead of the true problem: radical Islam. Because of the dictates of Islam, Muslim Arabs irrationally and against all scientific evidence and logic insist that not only is Jewish history bunk, not only that the Jewish State should not exist at all, but that Palestinians must "purge the Zionist presence from Palestine" as the Palestinian Liberation Organization charter poisonously declares.
For over 80 years the Muslim Arabs have outright rejected a two-state solution:
1937: Arabs reject British proposal to divide the land
1947: Arabs reject U.N. 'two-state' resolution
2000: Palestinians reject statehood
2001: Palestinians reject statehood
2008: Palestinians reject statehood
+ + From the River to the Sea
In case one might be led to think these rejections are simply the decision of Palestinian leaders, consider yet more decades of Palestinian opinion polls, the most recent conducted just three years ago in which the Palestinian people themselves overwhelmingly oppose a two-state solution because 'Israel should not exist at all.'
Instead, 'all the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea should belong to Palestine'; in other words, NO ISRAEL AT ALL.
Such a mentality is drummed into Palestinian school children at their fathers' knees, in the classrooms, and in the Islamic mosques. This brainwashing and early childhood terror programming explains why — even when Israel withdraw from Gaza in 2005, effectively creating a Palestinian state on its southern border, Palestinians showed their gratitude by raining down thousands of rockets on Jewish Israeli civilians.
It’s also why Palestinian terrorists have blown up buses, bombed nightclubs, and staged stabbing campaigns against innocent Jews. And why the Palestinian Authority PAYS millions to terrorists who attack and kill Israelis!
The Palestinians are the reason there is no peace.
Terror enablers like Nancy Pelosi are the reason there is no peace.
As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said many times: "if the Arabs lay down their arms there will be no more war, but if Israel lays down its weapons there would be no more Israel."
+ + Vote is this Friday. Act NOW!
Instead of trading land for a vain promise of 'peace' Netanyahu has wisely pursued a policy of peace through strength. But the so-called 'two-state solution' forces tiny Israel to give up land to an enemy determined to destroy it.
Together for Israel,
Mat Staver
For more information call: (407) 875-1948 • [email protected] • PO BOX 540209 Orlando, FL 32854-0209
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