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Thank You!

Thank you for standing with Israel at this crucial time. You have taken an important step in helping protect the Holy Land.

And thank you for taking time out of your busy day to make your voice heard on Capitol Hill. A republic only works well when its citizens are engaged. I commend you for taking your role in our country’s governance seriously.

Christians in Defense of Israel is making a pro-Israel difference in the halls of power in Washington, D.C., the Middle East, and throughout the world.

Please stand with us to bless Israel by sending a gift of support.

Our work is ONLY possible because of friends like you, faithful Christians in Defense of Israel supporters!
Finally, keep praying for both Israel and America. Both countries desperately need healing, and God hears our prayers!

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel


Dive deeper to discover why this tiny nation of Israel attracts so much attention.

Seven decades after its miraculous rebirth, Israel is a global leader playing a vital role in the world.

This gorgeous 200+ page full-color book is the perfect complement to any coffee table and is sure to inspire conversation.

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