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Congress MUST ACT NOW to protect Israel!
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An Urgent Citizen’s Petition to Congress

Dear Sir or Madam,

Just weeks ago, Joe Biden gave Iran six billion dollars, accepting empty promises from the Ayatollah that the money would be used only for humanitarian purposes.

Instead, new reports show that Iran armed and trained Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists to carry out the largest massacre of Jews on a single day since the Holocaust.

As an American and a friend of Israel, I DEMAND Congress ACT NOW to defend Israel against all enemies. Congress must:
  1. Issue a joint resolution to send a message around the world that America stands with Israel.

  2. Issue a joint resolution CONDEMNING Iran, as well as the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists they trained and armed for this massacre.

  3. Sanction Iran to the fullest extent possible.

  4. Make it clear to any regime that if they attack Israel, they will become OUR enemy as well.

And never allow such a tragedy to happen again. Not in Israel, not in America, and not anywhere else in the world.


(Your Name)

A friend of Israel