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No More Taxpayer Dollars to Subsidize Palestinian “Pay to Slay”

A Citizen’s Petition to Speaker Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, House Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Kay Granger and House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul

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Dear Member of Congress:

Joe Biden is sending millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Palestinian Authority (PA) at the very moment that the PA is paying millions — some $341 million in 2019—to Palestinian terrorists who attack, maim and murder innocent Israelis.

The PA, led by Mahmoud Abbas, celebrates these killers as “martyrs” and “role models.”

As an American taxpayer and a friend of Israel, I am incensed that our nation is subsidizing this monstrous evil. And even more so since the Taylor Force Act prohibits Palestinian aid if the PA is funding terror — which it is.

It is outrageous that, at a time of runaway federal spending and a soaring federal deficit, taxpayers are asked to send millions to Israel’s terror-funding enemy. I am asking you to use the power of the purse granted to the U.S. House of Representatives under the Constitution and immediately cut all Palestinian aid to zero.

No more U.S. taxpayer dollars to subsidize the terror-funding Palestinian Authority. None!


(Your Name)

A deeply concerned friend of Zion