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Fax Key House Members to Stop Ilhan Omar's Legislative Assault on Israel!

Rep. Ilhan Omar has introduced a resolution in support of the militantly anti-Israel BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement. And she did so with language that likens the boycott of Israel to America's boycott of Nazi Germany—which nation was systematically killing Jews.

In so doing, Omar's resolution equates Israel with Nazi Germany!

That's why it's crucial for friends of Israel to firmly oppose her measure, H. Res. 496. In it, Omar presents support for boycotts as a First Amendment freedom, but her goal is to push BDS. As she told Al Monitor,

"We are introducing a really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our first amendment rights in regard to boycotting," Omar told Al-Monitor. "And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement."

But BDS is an anti-Semitic movement initiated by the Palestinian Authority which seeks to destroy Israel. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called it a "reinvented form of anti-Semitism, because it seeks to impose boycotts on Israel and not on any other nation."

And far from being "nonviolent," BDS is tied to terrorism, according to a report from the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs. Algemeiner said that...

The report — titled "Terrorists in Suits" — revealed over 100 specific alleged links between BDS groups and terrorism, particularly the Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) organizations.

Tell key House members to REJCT and REPUDIATE Ilhan Omar's ill-conceived and dangerous pro-BDS resolution. You can do that right now by sending a pre-written fax telling House leaders and the House Judiciary Committee, to which Omar's measure has been referred, to kill the initiative.

Please act right away! And as you do, your generous support is vital and much-appreciated. Your kind support will go to work to fight for Israel on Capitol Hill, nationwide and in the Middle East.

Oppose H.Res. 496

Dear Representative:

I write to you in strong opposition to H.Res. 496. This dangerous anti-Israel measure effectively likens the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) campaign to boycott Israel to our nation's boycott of Nazi Germany—which was systematically killing Jews at the same time. In so doing, it equates Israel with Nazi Germany. And that is reason enough to reject this odious measure. But there's more.

It is styled by its sponsor, Rep. Ilhan Omar, as a measure

"Affirming that all Americans have the right to participate in boycotts in pursuit of civil and human rights at home and abroad, as protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution."

In fact, it is a legislative vehicle to promote the anti-Semitic BDS movement. In plain terms, it's a means to promote the destruction of Israel—which is the ultimate goal of the BDS movement.

Sponsor Omar, an outspoken and serial anti-Semite who makes no secret of her hatred for Israel, revealed her agenda behind the introduction of this measure in an Al Monitor interview:

"And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement."

BDS, as Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has said, is a "reinvented form of anti-Semitism, because it seeks to impose boycotts on Israel and not on any other nation."

Add to that its links to terror, as documented by the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs in its report, "Terrorists in Suits." According to Algemeiner this report:

"...revealed over 100 specific alleged links between BDS groups and terrorism, particularly the Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) organizations."

As a Christian and a friend of Israel and the Jewish people, I urge you to REJECT and REPUDIATE this dangerous attempt to mainstream and legitimize the anti-Semitic BDS.

With sincere thanks,


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