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We Must Not Return To 1938

University protesters are openly calling for Jews to DIE. Two videos of Columbia student leaders have gone viral. One declares, “We are ALL Hamas,” while the other openly calls for the death of Benjamin Netanyahu and all “Zionists.” Meanwhile, across the sea in Amsterdam, students have revived a chilling chant from 84 years ago.

It’s seems to be 1938 again in Europe and even in the United States. Will you stand silently as so many did 84 years ago as Jews were initially barred from universities and later loaded into cattle cars bound for concentration camps? Or will you follow God’s command to bless Israel?

I have instructed our staff to make our “Israel Matters” stickers available for FREE, while supplies last, to everyone with the courage to stand with our Jewish friends during the greatest onslaught of antisemitic hatred since the Holocaust. Get your sticker now, then read on for the news. — Mat

A junior at Columbia University, Khymani James serves as the spokesperson for the Columbia University Apartheid Divest group and has been one of the most outspoken voices and visible faces of the pro-Hamas movement on Columbia University’s campus.

James, who refers to himself as “he/she/their,” recently posted a video to social media extolling the virtues of killing Jews.

“I think that taking someone’s life in certain scenarios is necessary. And better for the overall world,” James told his online audience.

“There should not be Zionists anyway,” James claimed. In addition to apparent confusion over his personal pronouns, James is also deeply confused about well-documented world history, declaring to the camera that “Zionists are Nazis.”

In other parts of the video, James insists that, “as a society, as a collective people,” we should all agree that “some persons need to die,” and that “Zionists ... need to not exist.”

James then goes on to “imagine” how nice it would be if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were to be killed, before further declaring that “Zionists don’t deserve to live comfortably” and “shouldn’t be allowed to live in this world.”

James caps off his genocidal speech by declaring, “So, yes, I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for these people to die.”

On April 26, 2024, Columbia University announced it had banned James from campus. However, when asked if the hallowed Ivy League school had expelled James, Columbia’s spokesperson refused to answer the question, only stating he had “no additional comment.” In other words, this bloodthirsty Jew-hater is likely still a Columbia University student, albeit a remote one.

But he/she/their James is far from being the only university protester threatening Jews’ lives.

Another video posted online shows university demonstrators wearing Hamas head garb as they chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” the now famous call for all Jews to be completely eradicated from the River Jordan to the Red Sea ... in other words, from all of Israel.

Yet another video shows a woman in a Hamas headdress screaming to Jewish passersby that “We are ALL Hamas.” When questioned, she repeated, “YES! We are ALL Hamas,” before calling the man who questioned her “pig,” a common insult from Arabs to Jews meant to paint them as “unclean.”

The ancient hatred of Jews has reared its ugly head from coast to coast here in America. From the vile words of Columbia University “student leaders” to St. Louis’ Washington University and California’s UCLA, Jewish students and faculty are being targeted.

Meanwhile, in Amsterdam, Netherlands — Anne Frank’s hometown — pro-Hamas students echoed Khymani James’ calls for genocide, chanting “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Jews and Zionists have got to go.”

As you may know, during WWII, the Dutch had the highest number of Jewish Holocaust victims in Western Europe, both in sheer numbers and percentages of the population.

The year 1938 is happening again. Will you be silent? Or will you publicly stand with the Jews of the world facing yet another onslaught of Jew-hate? Please, fill out our form to receive your “Israel Matters” sticker today.

Finally, please pray for the people of Israel and the Jews under attack across our country and throughout the world.

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel


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Akiva, Kassy. “‘Zionists Don’t Deserve to Live’: Meet the Leader of Columbia University’s Anti-Israel Encampment.” The Daily Wire, April 25, 2024.

Griffioen, Pim, and Ron Zeller. “The Netherlands: The Highest Number of Jewish Victims in Western Europe.” Anne Frank, February 12, 2019.

Lundvall, Jakob. “‘Jews and Zionists have got to go.’” LinkedIn. Accessed April 30, 2024.

‌Sabes, Adam. “Columbia Says Student Who Made Comments about ‘Murdering Zionists’ to Administrators Has Been ‘Banned from Campus,’ Won’t Say If He Is Expelled.” Campus Reform, April 26, 2024.